Monday, September 7, 2009

Guitar lessons on the keyboard Notes

Guitar lessons on the keyboard Notes The chart below shows the location of notes on the keyboard in standard tuning. This shows the keys on the guitar with the string 1 and the High E string 6, Bass E. Open string tuning is exactly what the number and | | The symbol means the Mother of the keyboard. L '| symbol is a federal govement. I'm just not so with the solid, the housing and everything works sharps.The between notes as follows: One step, full step, B, C, half step, full step, D, E Full step, half step F . G Full-step, and back to A with a way to show Step.Another is this: A BC D EF G and A.1 --- | | - FG |---|- - | --- | -- AB |---|--|-CD-|---|- E-|---|- |   2-B --- | | |---|-- CDE-|---|- | |---|-- FG-|---|- A-| - - | B |   3-G ||---|- --- |---|- AB-|-CD-|---|- E |---|--|- F | - - | G |   4-D --- ||---|- E-| FG |---|--|---|--A-|---|- B-|-C | - - | D |   5-A --- B-||---|- | |---|-- CDE-|---|- | |---|-- FG-| - - | A-|   6-E --- | |-FG |---|--|---|- A-|---|- B-|-CD-|---|- | - - |-E | For a strong indication of finding the note and move a step in between. For example, the first A # (sharp) on the Low E is 6 Bund. There is no such thing as a B or E # #, is not such a thing as a flat C or F flat.Flat comments are half a step down from a note of everything. Before that a flat on the Low-E is the 4th Bund. By the way? S is the same note as G #. Don? T this is more difficult than it should be. Recall intervals and have made.Bill McRea is the publisher of Guitar Warehouse the best place to buy guitar and lea to play guitar techniques. More than 60 classes giutar Freescale and product information.

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