Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Defeating Stage Fright

Defeating Stage Fright If you do not have fear, I hope you know how lucky you are. For some musicians, the idea of position before the creation of an audience and left them a sense of weakness in the knee, shaky, sweaty and miserable. It is a debilitating situation, which has prevented many of the results could well every time. But do not despair if you have in your control is curable! If you suffer from anxiety or fear, since the yield is also called, you should know that a certain amount of nervousness is normal. E 'natural anxiety when I feel I have to show their musical skills in front of others. Speaking in public is another area that people are more nervous. Nervousness, but it is one thing, in reality, they are so afraid that we can not do - is quite another and very important for musicians to resolve it. The first thing to remember is that it is likely that the experience will always be nerves when you do. Nerves are normal. Most likely the nerves always feel at least somewhat '. But most people can handle the nervousness. In fact, a little 'nervous tension that makes it more exciting performance. Becomes a problem, however, when the nerve to eat away from you and makes you feel sick to your stomach! The second thing to remember is that performance anxiety is almost always curable. But it takes a little 'psychology and a dose of ego to defeat it. It is necessary to address the problem in the head by less than a week before the performance. The technique described below can be done at home, at work or school, a park ... wherever you have a moment of peace. Sit in a comfortable chair, close your eyes and relax. Imagine going through the process of preparing for the concert. Imagine the day. Concert dress for the photo. Now imagine walking through your door, always in the car, and lead to the creation of the site. Then imagine that your instrument, the warming and, finally, to walk the stage to perform. Through every step of your Concert imagined toalways remember to stay calm. If at any time you feel your body tightening or breathing or heart rate increases, the imaginary story breaks, slow your breathing and relax physically. When you feel calm again, to resume his concert days pretending preparations. So imagine walking and playing. Keep calm, and you start to feel a trust may not have heard before. The imagination is a wonderful tool. If you do this every day, at least once a day, one or two weeks before his concert, will be surprised how well the real situation. Note that you do not feel completely nervefree at the concert. This is not a reasonable objective. The players must feel a little 'nervous stress, which is healthy. During his concert imagined scenario, you must increase your ego. You must remember that you can play music. Some might say that there is no one in the audience who can play like you, and now this shows how the music should sound. It may not be accustomed to thinking in these terms arrogant, but you must! You will find that showing confidence in itself will help to overcome the fears you have. And one last tip: try to find friends who can play from time to time. Part of the solution is anxious to provide for the performance situation as often as possible. You'll find that over time, performance anxiety is replaced by the performance emotion and feel the love! ________________ Pitcher Gary is the author of Secrets of Songwriting and Gary pitcher essential music theory easy. He is currently an instructor at the Department of Music, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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