Wednesday, September 23, 2009

As in the instant piano

As in the instant piano Your music is always better when you're at the right time and playing the piano. Why is this so? Because you forgot to try to make music. Instead, they are now, "the" music. A subtle but crucial difference that can be detected by more careful listeners.The key when the piano comes when the technical aspects are mastered and the player can only play. Think of sports as an example. Michael Jordan, not to think about how to drive to the basket rim. He had done thousands of times. Now, your intuition, you may have the best possible shot.If Andre Agassi had to think about how to use the tennis ball, he would not be able to get where he wanted it.The good of the New Age is playing piano that the technique is easy to lea. For example, in your lesson "Reflections in Water", there are 4 open position chords to play. Once the technical aspects of the game is this agreement, you are free to keep your feelings to yourself in music. Now you are "when" and let the music tell you where you want - and not in the direction around.Edward Weiss is a pianist / composer and webmaster of peace in piano lessons and music online. E 'was among the students lea to play the piano in New Age style for over 14 years and works with students in private, in groups, and now on the Inteet. Now look for a new piano lessons!

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