Monday, November 30, 2009

How To Dress Up Naked Music On The Piano

How To Dress Up Naked Music On The Piano What in the world? Nu music? You know when you hear, but words that describe the sound strange, no? T they? We? You have all heard of popular music and rock music and gospel music and jazz, nu, but the music? Naked music is simply the notes on a piece of sheet music. E? S? Nu? ? clothes or is not ready for anything. No filler, no insults, none of the ingredients that make a song coming life.Not a musician plays the music exactly as it appears on a piece of sheet music. Instead, they use the written music as a map or plan, and then they do something with it. Bend, fold, add to, subtract, must be completed, change the key, change the words, change a few notes of the melody, and on.So and when you hear your favorite artist perform a piece of music, given the written sheet music while they're running, is very different and much better than the old? naked music? So how can the average musician dress naked music? There are many ways, but here are seven of my favorites: 1.Change agreements by adding some 'color. What are the colors? Tones are added notes based on agreements, usually expressed as 6ths, 7ths, 9ths, etc. For example, instead of playing a C chord as it is written? C, E, G? try adding a color tone, like a 6th (A) or 7 ° (BB) or a major 7th (B) or a 9th (D). In fact, try adding a couple together, like a 6th and 9th. Thus, rather than a simple agreement consisting of vanilla C, E and G, you? I made a tasty variation adding A and D for equation.2.During pause between phrases, add a tune-against. How? Take note of the melody and tu upside down or inside, or change the rhythm slightly so the music is always recognizable, but substitutions different.3.Add agreements. Instead of always using the agreements that have been written, ask this question? As far as other agreements to this melody note fit? For example, if the melody is G and C of the rope, what the other agreements that contain the note G in them? There are several answers to this question. G is in agreement not only in C, but Em is also in agreement, the Eb major chord, G chord, the Gm chord, etc. Try one of these alteate arrangements until you like a good combination, then instead of using the C chord. It will add an originality and freshness to your playing almost immediately.4.Add fills and runs between phrases. How are you doing this? Just break the agreement is in force until now, the keyboard and run it as a breach of an agreement? a note at a time. Or start at the top of the keyboard and down. Or play with the string to play a po 'of 2 to 3 notes instead of the entire 3 note melodic chord.5.Use echoes. After playing the melody, echoed by playing an octave higher, or two octaves higher, or half-octave lower.6.Use does not swing. If the agreement is the progression of D7 to G7, instead of going directly to the G7? Slip into this? playing on the rope that is half step above? ie, AB7, then quickly slipped out of AB7 to G7.7.Use? blue note. Blue notes are created by dragging a black button on a white key quickly. For example, if the melody is E, Eb slide and quickly using the same finger.This is just a small sample of what can be done to dress up your music. There are literally hundreds of other techniques, from pseudo-modulations in blues moves to deceptive cadences tremolos in the twang to 3-1 times a horse on foot to burst and low-ups and on.By and simply adding a couple of these techniques for the game, you can easily double and triple the excitement created by his piano like her? dress naked music? Duane Shinn is the author of over 500 music books, CDs and DVDs? s, including? How to Dress Up Naked Music on the piano? It 'also the publisher of the free electronic newsletter? Piano Lessons Online: Piano Chords & progressions? which currently has over 61,000 subscribers. Available at

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