Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Five fingers same position method of reading notes

Five fingers same position method of reading notes There are beginner piano books begin by introducing five notes CDEFG ie the right hand (RH) and CBAGF left (LH), using the same position as the finger on RH note C played by thumb, played by D finger, etc. LH note C played by thumb, index played by B, etc.. I called "five fingers same position". The advantage is, before the new note, beginners have done some similar exercises, so that they, especially children are not to be confused with the timetable, the names and functions of notes.Because many years, with the same position fingers, especially children tend, points the finger firmly positions. For example, they do not intend to. RH 1 in C - always played by the thumb, no. 2 D - is always played by the index finger and so on, even at LH.In first lessons, students seem to read music fluently, but the problem comes when playing without the "five fingers same position." If the students the use of "five fingers same position" the books, teachers, we have to declare from the very first lesson that a note can be played by one finger, fingers, and will never be changed, as in the RH thumb not always No.1 . 2 are for the fingers and so on, even to students LH.To do remember the finger numbers soon, you can ask them to play as fast as possible, eg "C play with your fingers the number 1?. Now play C with your fingers the number 2 and so on. "Kids love this game! Then ask them to play the same piece with a finger through a new set of fingers on his book. For example, to play with RH 2 finger C, D with finger number 3, and so on.There is not a perfect method to read music, as a teacher, we can not find the suitable for every student with the merger with another method. I prefer working with "five fingers same position" book in the first lesson, using all types of finger positions, not only as an advantage in book.It is much easier to lea and his right to the first as a re-lea 'error made. However, if students have misconceptions of reading the music, regardless of our? Own? Students, the lessons to be with us from his first days of piano lessons, or transmitted, but not always their fault, their old teacher (a) and especially easy teachers. It is not clear from reading student better.The solution is re-teaching them the first lesson. Sure, it takes time, patience, and often very difficult to train? A new habit?. Students may affect and complain, but with a fun game, as I said, usually in children enjoy teaching new. When it comes to adolescents and adults (so far I never found), it can be used with positive words so that they? New spirit? on their lesson. In addition, the teachers, we must not stop leaing.Yen always yen (Sujanti Djuanda) has taught piano for 14 years. At present, lea and work on the composition of music.

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