Sunday, October 4, 2009

Beautiful music you create with the New Age Piano

Beautiful music you create with the New Age Piano You have heard many times before. Perhaps you have been you, while the shop or in a house of friends. The beautiful music, has proved to be the New Age piano was popular from pianist / composer George Winston in the early 1980s. Light and heat, the melodies and arrangements piano style that is not difficult to create. This is an interesting opportunity for the beginning and advanced pianist to start making music! Let us examine how a novice can create a beautiful melody, with only a few chords.First, we must lea to play the piano strings. Note: The reading is not here because we try something original - something that requires the ability to improvise. Now do not be afraid! The improvisation is much easier than you think and you can be beautiful music with a few chords.For example, during the lesson "Reflections in Water", available at, we use only 4 chords to create a peaceful environment, the contemplative atmosphere. The trick is how are the strings! Both hands are involved, as we opened the position of a mode cash seventh chord - the type of rope that is used in much contemporary music created today.We lea to play only four chords in this lesson, but all four agreements that that we need to manufacture a few minutes of improvised music. Once you have these great chord structure undeeath the fingers, beautiful music created not by the will or the creative act, but allowed it to happen! It will take time and play with this Agreement and to be amazed how easy it is to play his music. It is not difficult. It is not difficult. It can be a little 'scared to jump and start to improvise, but when you taste, as the water is beautiful, you go and have a difficult time! Edward Weiss is a pianist / composer and webmaster of peace in piano lessons and music online. E 'was among the students lea to play the piano in New Age style for over 14 years and works with students in private, in groups, and now on the Inteet. Now look for a new piano lessons!

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